Corrie Slawson, #1 across from the new "Upper Chester" condos, 2015
Corrie Slawson, Musicians' Towers is home to over 1100 residents; we pass it on our walks, 2015
Corrie Slawson, The old flower shop is now a hospital parking lot; they're calling those new condos Upper Chester, 2015
Corrie Slawson, Village Market, West, from Memphis Kiddie Park across town back East to Parking, 2015
Corrie Slawson, It radiated from the Shop n Save at Euclid and Noble...they heard it all the way on Pluto, 2015
Corrie Slawson, Doan brook slowly got buried over 200 years but it pops out here and there..., 2015
Corrie Slawson: A desert of magnificence... (a glittering waste of laborious idleness.)
Past exhibition